VIM Cheatsheet

VIM Cheatsheet

Page Up/Down
Ctrl+b - full page up
Ctrl+f - full page down
Ctrl+u - half page up
Ctrl+d - half page down

:Ex - explore files
% - new file
d - new directory

:bd - buffer delete

:copen - list files
:cn - next
:cp - previous

:sp - split
:vsp - v-split

C+w [h,j,k,l] - navigation

C+w = - equal splits
C+w _ - max current split
C+w | - max current v-split

tabe - tab edit
gt - next tab e.g. gt, 3gt
gT - previous tab
:tabnew - new tab
:tabm - move tab to right end
:tabm 0 - move tab to left end
:tabclose - close tab
:tabonly - active tab only
:tab ball - open all buffer
:drop file.txt - open file.txt in current tab
C+w T - open the current split in new tab

m[char] - mark e.g. ma, mb, mc
'[char] - go to marked line e.g. 'a, 'b, 'c
`[char] - go to marked position e.g. `a, `b
:marks - list marks
:delmarks a,b,c - delete marks
:delmarks! - delete all marks

zf - fold selected visual lines
zo - open fold
zc - close fold
zd - delete fold
zE - delete all fold
zA - open/close all fold in toggle

Ex - horizontal explorer
Vex - vertical explorer
gh - hide/unhide hidden files
I - hide/unhide banner
i - change view style